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Receiving Webhooks with Bridge

Svix Bridge is useful in cases where you want to consume webhooks and write the payloads to a message queue.

Since Bridge can act as an HTTP server, you can configure it as an Endpoint in Svix. Bridge can even verify webhooks when configured with an endpoint_secret.

For example, receiving webhooks from Svix, lightly reshaping the payload, then publishing to RabbitMQ might be configured like this:

- name: 'events-from-acme'
type: 'svix-webhook'
path_id: 'acme'
endpoint_secret: '${ENDPOINT_SECRET}'

transformation: |
function handler(input) {
let event_type = input.eventType;
delete input.eventType;
// The `payload` field is what will be published to the queue.
return { payload: { event_type, ...input } };

type: 'rabbitmq'
uri: '${RABBITMQ_URI}'
exchange: ''
routing_key: 'acme'

The path_id defined here represents the trailing path segment for the route this receiver will match. The route for this example would be /webhook/acme and sending a POST request here with a valid JSON body will result in a new message published to the acme queue.

This is to say, if you're running Bridge at, the full URL you'd register as a Svix Endpoint would be See Adding Endpoints for more on how to do this in the App Portal.

Check out the the project on GitHub for more on how to get started with Bridge.